Crossword Competition

Last Updated : 24-05-2024
24 Enrolled
1 Quiz

Sure, here are 10 instructions for a crossword competition:

1. Read all the clues carefully before starting.
2. Fill in the answers neatly and clearly in the provided boxes.
3. Pay attention to spelling and spacing to ensure accuracy.
4. Use the provided timer to track your progress and manage your time effectively.
5. If you get stuck on a clue, don’t dwell on it too long. Move on and come back later if needed.
6. Double-check your answers before submitting to catch any mistakes.
7. Once you’ve completed the crossword, take a screenshot as evidence of your finished puzzle.
8. After hitting submit, a feedback form will generate; make sure to add the screenshot of your completed crossword to the form.
9. Provide constructive feedback on the competition and puzzle to improve future events.
10. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the challenge!
11. User needs to click on finish button and fill the feedback form to upload the the screenshot.

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